University of Trento
Umberto Tulli is Associate Professor at the University of Trento, where he specialized in the history of the Cold War and the history of human rights. He has held visiting positions at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History (Frankfurt); the University of Pittsburgh; Cornell University, among the others. He is the author of several books and articles, including: A Precarious Equilibrium. Human rights and détente in Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy (2020); Un Parlamento per l’Europa (2017). He is currently P.I. in the research project “Returning Foreign Fighters. The Demobilization of Italian Transnational War Volunteers 1860-1970”.
Gabriele Siracusano is research fellow at the University of Trento and collaborator of the Gramsci Foundation. He has studied the relations between communism, anti-colonialism, and African socialism in West-Central Africa. He is currently engaged in reconstructing the paths and trajectories of Italian war volunteers in the anti-colonial wars in Africa between the 1950s and the 1970s, with a particular focus on the strategies adopted by Italian institutions and political forces to encourage their return.
University of Rome – “Tor Vergata”
Enrico Acciai is Associate Professor in Modern History at the Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” where he teaches Global History. After gaining a PhD in Contemporary History at the Università della Tuscia (Italy) in 2010, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad de Cantabria (Spain) between 2011 and 2012. He joined the University of Leeds as Marie Curie Fellow in September 2016. In 2019, dr Acciai has been Associate Professor in European History at the University of Copenhagen. He has been visiting fellow at the EUI and New York University.
Roberto Carocci received his PhD in Societies, Policies and Cultures from the Late Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age at Sapienza University of Rome; hand held teaching and research positions at the Roma Tre University, and the University of Rome “Tor vergata”. He specialized in the history of anarchism and labour history. He is part of the editorial staff of the journal “Acronia. Studies in the History of Anarchism and Radical Movements” of the Scientific Committee of the Berneri-Chessa Archive; he is a member of the Italian Society of Labour History. Among his main publications: Roma sovversiva. Anarchism and Social Conflict from the Giolittian Age to Fascism 1900-1926 (2012); La Repubblica Romana. 1849, evidence of democracy and socialism in the Risorgimento (2017).
Ca’ Foscari – University of Venice
Elena Bacchin is Associate Professor of Modern History. She was Marie Curie Global Fellow at Columbia University and Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, and has held visiting positions at the Remarque Institute (NYU), the University of St Andrews, the Oxford University and the University of California at San Diego. She is a historian of the long 19th century; her research focuses on the transnational history of nationalism, political mobilization.
She is author of Italofilia. Opinione pubblica britannica e Risorgimento italiano, 1847-64 (2014) and of 24 maggio 1915 (2019).
Francesco Fusi received his PhD in History from the University of Pisa. His research focuses on the political and social history of contemporary Italy, the two world wars, the Italian Resistance, and volunteerism. He has been a fellow of the Universities of Florence and Pisa, the Ferruccio Parri Institute in Milan, and the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia.
Among his publications: Soldati e patrie. I combattenti alleati di origine italiana nella Seconda guerra mondiale (il Mulino 2022, with M. Pretelli) and Guerra e Resistenza nel fiorentino. La 22° Brigata Garibaldi “Lanciotto Ballerini” (Viella, 2021).